The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

■Start condition:

Automatically start after main quest『Ciri’s Story: King of the Wolves』with following choice 1.

Choice 1.
We must get ti the village.・・・Event starts. Go to choice 2.
We found a corpse in the woods.・・・just conversation.

Choice 2.
I get what you’re after.・・・go to choice 3.
Tell. It’s important.・・・go to choice 3.
Talk.・・・just conversation.
Gretka – where is she now?・・・just conversation.

Choice 3.
What if I refuse?・・・go to choice 4.
Deal.・・・go to choice 4.
How do I know I can trust you?・・・just conversation.

Choice 4.
I need more information.・・・start quest. Go to phase 1.
Have you searched?・・・go to choice 5.
What do they look like?・・・just conversation.

Choice 5.
I need more information.・・・start quest. Go to phase 1.
Got any enemies?・・・just conversation.
Notice anything unusual recently?・・・just conversation.
Your men ever bother them?・・・just conversation.

■Recommended level:



1. Follow the baron.

→Follow the baron and then go to phase 2.

※You may start secondary quest 『Ciri’s Room』. The secondary quest won’t affect the main quest.

2. Use your Witcher Senses to search the room.

↓Go to west side room, first.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

↓Go to the bed room and you can find a doll which reacts to Witcher Senses.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

↓Find “Letter to Tamara” on the book shelf. You can find somebody seducing Tamara through letter.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen
↓Search closet, you can find “Rusty key” and “Incense”. The incense smell lead you to the basement.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

↓Use your Witcher Senses. You can find smell which leads you to the basement.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen
↓Go back to east side room next.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

↓Examine following items which react to Witcher Senses.
【The wooden candlestick on the table.(first time)】
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

【The wall with a different color.】
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

【The painting of the baron and his wife.】
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

【The vase on the desk.】
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

【The closet】
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

【The deep nicks on the wooden pole.】
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen
【The wooden candlestick on the table.(scond time)】
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

↓Follow scent start from the wooden candlestick.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

↓You’ll find the spot where Witcher Senses react at the landing of the stairs. Examine and get Talisman.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

→Go back to the baron and go to phase 3.

3. Talk to baron about what you found.

→Talk to the baron and go to choice 1.

Choice 1.
know anything about this amulet?・・・go to choice 3.
Found a doll.・・・just conversation.・・・go to choice 2.
Signs of a fight in the room.・・・just conversation.
Somebody spilled wine on the landing.・・・just conversation.

Choice 2.
Resemblance is uncanny.・・・go back to choice 1.
As I remember, Triss looks different.・・・go back to choice 1.

Choice 3.
I’m off to see the pellar.・・・go to phase 4.
Signs of a fight in the room.・・・just conversation.
Somebody spilled wine on the landing.・・・just conversation.

→Before go to next phase, it’s better to play Gwent with baron and you can get rare card. Even you lose many times, you’ll lose no card but possible to try again and again till you win. Besides you can get new secondary quest 『Gwent: Velen Players』. At some point, it’ll be impossible to play Gwent with baron at later stage. So it’s better to play with him at early stage.
↓You’ll get “Sigismund Dijkstra” card.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

4. Find the pellar’s hut.

↓Location of the pellar.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

I’ll pay you to go.・・・just conversation.
Tell you what – you leave, and I’ll heal Edric.・・・you may start battling or not. Refer following. Go to phase 5.
※This choice appears only after checking “What do you want from the pellar?”.
※If you defeated barons men at inn at the Crossroads at the main quest 『The Nilfgaard Connection』, battling will start with these guys. If not, no battle and go to phase 5.

Axii(Required Delusion level:2) You need to leave.・・・Go to phase 5. without battling.
Leave or die.・・・start battling with baron’s henchman. Go to phase 5. after battling.
What do you want from the pellar?・・・just conversation.

5. Talk to the pellar.

→Talk to the pellar and go to choice 1.

Choice 1.
Need your help.・・・go to choice 2.
Expecting me?・・・just conversation.

Choice 2.
Protect? From what?・・・go to choice 3.
You make it?・・・just conversation.

Choice 3.
I’M looking for Anna. And her daughter.・・・go to choice 4.
Protect? From what?・・・just conversation.
You make it?・・・just conversation.

Choice 4.
If I find your goat, will you help me?・・・go to phase 6.
Refuse to chase down some goat.・・・go to choice 5.
Choice 5.
Fine. I’ll find her.・・・go to phase 6.
You’re getting annoying.・・・suspend the quest. Start from choice 6. if you talk again.

Choice 6.
You win. I’ll find her.・・・go to phase 6.
Couldn’t care less about your goat.・・・suspend the quest. Start from choice 6. if you talk again.

6. Lead the goat to the pellar.

→Main quest 『A princess in Distress』 automatically starts. go to Main quest 『A princess in Distress』 and come back to this quest after completing Main quest 『A princess in Distress』.

→Go to choice 1.

Choice 1.
Will you help me now?・・・event starts and go to choice 2.
Let’s do this.・・・event starts and go to choice 2.
Choice 2.
You spoke of a child. Whose?・・・go to choice 3.
Not enough, I need to know more.・・・just conversation.

Choice 3.
Baron have anything to do with this?・・・go to choice 4.
You know all this how?・・・just conversation.

Choice 4.
The child – what happened to it?・・・go to choice 5.
You know all this how?・・・just conversation.

Choice 5.
I need to know where the botchling is.・・・go to phase 7.
Why do you need its blood?・・・just conversation.
How can I lift the curse?・・・just conversation.
You mention Forefathers’ Eve?・・・just conversation.
※This choice appears only after choosing “Why do you need its blood?”.

7. Read the bestiary to learn more about botchlings.

↓Open the menu → GLOSSARY → BESTIARY → CURSED ONES → Botchlings . And then go to phase 8.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

8. Talk to the baron.

→Go back to baron’s castle. You’ll find fire in a stable. Event starts and go to following choice.

Choice(time limit decision)
I’ll try.・・・go to phase 9.
Here to see the baron.・・・talk to baron and go to phase 10.

※The differences between save the stable or not is can get some crowns later at phase 15. Suggest to get crownss.

9. Save the stable hand and horses trapped in the burning stable.

Points to save the stable.
– There is time limitation in fire. Watch out Geralt’s breath gauge.
– Use Aard spell to remove rubble.
– Don’t try to find lost man. You can hear his voice but no appearance.

Reference video.

→After saving the stable, event automatically proceed to phase 10.

10. Defeat the baron in a fistfight.

→Fistfight automatically start with the baron.

1) Go close to the enemy and induce for the enemy’s attack.
2) If the enemy attacks, dodge. Enemy fails the attack.
3) After the enemy misses the attack, immediately go close and fast attack the enemy.
4) Repeat this process.

↓Reference video

→Go to following choice 1. after defeated the baron.

Choice 1.
You knew they ran away.・・・go to choice 2.
Anna – how’d she get you angry?・・・just conversation.
Never hit your daughter? Really?・・・just conversation.

Choice 2.
How did they flee? What happened?・・・go to choice 4.
They didn’t run away – you drove them out.・・・go to choice 3.
No matter. I know how to find them.・・・go to choice 3.

Choice 3.
So tell me how it really was.・・・go to choice 4.
Not interested.・・・go to choice 7.

Choice 4.
What happened next?・・・go to choice 5.
What about the signs of fighting in the room?・・・just conversation.
Tamara witness this?・・・just conversation.

Choice 5.
What did you do with the child?・・・go to choice 6.
Must’ve been a terrible sight.・・・go to choice 6.

Choice 6.
Keep it together, man.・・・go to choice 7.
I feel your pain.・・・go to choice 7.

Choice 7.
Lemme explain.・・・go to choice 8.
You don’t need the details.・・・go to choice 8.

Choice 8.
Where’d you bury the fetus? Show me.・・・go to choice 9.
Haven’t decided what I’ll do.・・・just conversation.

Choice 9.
Let’s do this.・・・go to phase 12.
Come get you later.・・・suspend the quest.

11. Tell the baron to show you where he berried his child.

→Go to phase 12. choosing above choice “Let’s do this.”.

12. Follow the baron.

→Follow the baron till reach to grave yard where baron buried his baby and go to following choice.

Choice(time limit decision)
[Attack the monster.]・・・go to phase 13-A-1.
[Turn the botchling into a lubberkin.]・・・go to phase 13-B-1.

13-A-1. Kill the botchiling.

→Kill the botchiling referring following guide.

1)Bothchling’s attack point is not so high. So you’ll not get so heavy damage.
2)Bothchling’s defense point is very high, so it’ll take time to kill it.
3)Axii spell is very effective to botchling.
4)Fast attack is not so effective, alsmost no damage. Need to use strong attack to damage it.
5)When botchling’s hit point become less than half. It summon 4 wraith. Kill wraith first when they summoned by botchling.
6)Dodge a lot to sway wraith’s attack. Remember when they suddenly appear front of you, It’ll attack you twice continuously that mean you have to dodge twice. Then counterattack the wraith.
7)After killing all wraith, resume to attack botchling by Axii and strong attack.
8)Be careful, botchiling sometimes start healing it self. Use Axii spell can stop it.

↓Reference video.

→Following choice will appear after killing botchling.

Quiet down. Wanna draw a crowd?・・・go to phase 13-A-2.
Calm down.・・・go to phase 13-A-2.
Sorry. Unavoidable.・・・go to phase 13-A-2.

13-A-2. Talk to the pellar.

↓Pellar’s location.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

→Talk to pellar and choose “Botchiling’s blood – got some.” and go to following choice 1.

Choice 1.
Let’s do this.・・・go to choice 2.
How’s this gonna work?・・・just conversation.
Need anything else?・・・just conversation.

Choice 2.
Mhm, no time to lose.・・・go to phase 13-A-3.
No. Gotta get ready first.・・・suspend the quest.

13-A-3. Follow the pellar.

→Follow the pellar till wolven glade. Event starts and go to following choice.

Let’s start.・・・go to phase 13-A-4.
Why do we need the fires?・・・just conversation.
What will you do?・・・just conversation.

13-A-4. Prepare for the ritual and light the fires.0/3

→Light all three braziers. Event starts and go to phase 13-A-5.

13-A-5. Relight the fires in the braziers if they go out during the ritual.3/3

→A lot of wraith start attacking you.

1)You don’t have to kill any wraith, the purpose of this phase is keep fires in braziers as long as you can.
2)Relight the fires in the braziers, If the fire goes out.
3)Wraith doesn’t attack the pellar, so you don’t have to worry about pellar.
4)Good position is front of the pellar, you can see all three braziers. Go to the extinguished brazier and relight. Using Yrden spell is good to stay wraith put.
5)This event will be ended when the pellar finish the ritual.

↓Reference video.

→Event proceeds and automatically go to choice 1.

Choice 1.
You spoke a name during the third vision.・・・go to choice 2.
What was the second vision of?・・・just conversation.
The first vision – explain it.・・・just conversation.

Choice 2.
Voytek – where’ll I find him?・・・go to choice 3.
What was the second vision of?・・・just conversation.
The first vision – explain it.・・・just conversation.

Choice 3.
I should go.・・・event ends and go to phase 14.
I’ll walk you home.・・・take pellar to his home. Go to phase 14.
※Better to chose “I’ll walk you home”, You’ll get extra experience points.

13-B-1. Follow the baron to the castle’s entrance.

→Follow the baron till the botchling start struggling and call wraiths. Go to phase 13-B-2.

13-B-2. Protect the baron from wraiths.

→Defeat 4 wraiths.

1) Wraiths don’t attack baron, so no need care him.
2) The wraith usually attack twice when it appears from empty space. SO when it appears from empty space, dodge twice and then fast attack couple times.
3) Quen spell is effective.

↓Reference video.

→Use Axcii spell to the botchling after defeated all of wraiths.

→At the end of following the baron, event starts and botchling change into the lubberkin. Go to phase 13-B-3.

13-B-3. Follow the lubberkin.

→Follow the lubberkin till the marker point. Go to phase 13-B-4.

13-B-4. Search the area around the smokehouse using your Witcher Senses.

→Search following three items.

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

→Resume following lubberkin till reach to dead horses. Go to phase 13-B-5.

13-B-5. Examine the dead horses.

→Have to defeat rotfiends before examine the dead horses.

→Examine dead horses and go to following choice.

Let’s summarize.・・・resume following the lubberkin.
※This choice appeasrs only after checking all of following choice.
Bones.・・・just information.
Saddle.・・・just information.
Ribs.・・・just information.
Legs.・・・just information.
Head.・・・just information.

→Follow the lubberkin till fisherman’s hut. Go to phase 13-B-6.

13-B-6. Look around the fisherman’s hut.

→Get into the fisherman’s hut and go to choice 1.

Choice 1.
Where is the baron’s wife?・・・go to choice 2.
※This choice appears only after checking “Girl who stayed with…”.
Girl who stayed with you – what happened to her?・・・just conversation.
Who’d you see? Describe her.・・・just conversation.

Choice 2.
Tell me about these marks.・・・just conversation.
What happened next?・・・just conversation.
Why did you help them?・・・just conversation.
Thanks for your help.・・・go to phase 15.
※This choice appears only after checking above “Tell me about these marks.”.

14. Find the fisherman Voytek’s hut.

↓Location of the Voytek’s hut. Go into his house and go to choice 1.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

Choice 1.
Where is the baron’s wife?・・・go to choice 2.
※This choice appears only after checking “Girl who stayed with…”.
Girl who stayed with you – what happened to her?・・・just conversation.
Who’d you see? Describe her.・・・just conversation.

Choice 2.
Tell me about these marks.・・・just conversation.
What happened next?・・・just conversation.
Why did you help them?・・・just conversation.
Thanks for your help.・・・go to phase 15.
※This choice appears only after checking above “Tell me about these marks.”.

15. Talk to the baron about his family.

→Go back to baron’s castle. Event automatically starts talking to his sergeant. Go to following choice 1.

Choice 1.
What is it?・・・go to choice 2.
No time.・・・go to choice 2.

Choice 2.
Gotta talk about your family.・・・go to choice 3.
Death of a family member’s always hard.・・・just conversation.

Choice 3.
I’ll go.・・・event starts. Go to choice 4.
Not gonna happen.・・・event starts. Go to choice 4.
※Get extra crowns choosing “I’ll go.”.

Choice 4.
At Kaer Morhen.・・・go to choice 5.
On the road.・・・go to choice 6.

Choice 5.
I’m the exception.・・・go to choice 7.
I’m not a witcher.・・・go to choice 7.

Choice 6.
Something of the sort.・・・go to choice 7.
I’m a witcher.・・・go to choice 7.
just a traveler.・・・go to choice 7.

Choice 7.
Coward?・・・temporarily go to main quest 『Ciri’s Story: The Race』. Go to Choice 8. resuming this quest.
What’s the problem?・・・temporarily go to main quest 『Ciri’s Story: The Race』. Go to Choice 7. resuming this quest.
Choice 8.
You’re working with Nilfgaard – why?・・・just conversation.
How’d you wind up here?・・・just conversation.
Hears anything about witches in the area?・・・just conversation.
See you.・・・the phase ends. Go either phase 16. or 17.

16. Find Tamara, the baron’s daughter, in Oxenfurt.

↓Location of Tamara in Oxenfurt.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Family Matters (Main Quest) – Velen

→Bridge is closed. go to following choice.

I’ve got a pass.・・・resume this phase and go to Tamara’s place.
※This choice appears only after get the pass.
※You need to get “Letter of safe conduct” from baron at phase 15.
What kind of pass are we talking about?・・・just conversation.
Who’s restricted access to the city?・・・just conversation.
Farewell.・・・suspend the quest.
※Secondary quest 『Thou Shalt Not Pass』starts.

The easiest way to get the pass is get from baron at previous phase 15.
However there are several way to get the pass.
Refer secondary quest『Thou Shalt Not Pass』, you may enjoy the story getting the pass through another quest.

→Get into the Tamara’s house and go to following choice 1.

Choice 1.
Father’s worried about you.・・・go to choice 2.
I don’t blame you.・・・go to choice 3.

Choice 2.
He cars about you both.・・・go to choice 3.
You’re right, he’s a jackass.・・・go to choice 3.

Choice 3.
What will you do now?・・・go to choice 4.
※This choice appears only after choosing following “What happened to your mother?”.
Why’d your mother miscarry?・・・just conversation.
What happened to your mother?・・・just conversation.
Tell me your side of the story.・・・just conversation.

Choice 4.
Who are these friends?・・・just conversation.
What about your father?・・・just conversation.
※Goes to choice 5. after checking above two choices.

Choice 5.
Where will you take her?・・・go to phase 17.
※This choice appears only after choosing “Who are you?”.
Who are you?・・・just conversation.
The baron’s desperate.・・・just conversation.

17. Talk to the baron about Tamara.

→Go back to baron and choose “Gave your daughter the doll” and this phase ends.

→Go to phase 18.

18. Investigate all remaining leads in Velen and find the Baron’s wife.

→You should complete the main quest 『Ladies of the Wood』 and the go to phase 19.


■Next quest:

Main Quest 『Pyres of Novigrad

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