White Orchard Side
・Treasure Hunt: Deserter Gold
・Treasure Hunt: Dirty Funds
・Treasure Hunt: Temerian Valuables
・Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear
・Treasure Hunt: An Unfortunate Turn of Events
・Treasure Hunt: A Costly Mistake
・Treasure Hunt: Blood Gold
・Treasure Hunt: Hidden From the World
・Treasure Hunt: Lost Goods
・Treasure Hunt: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
・Treasure Hunt: Sunken Chest
・Treasure Hunt: Sunken Treasure
・Treasure Hunt: The Things Men Do For Coin…
・Treasure Hunt: Tough Luck
Skellige Isles
・Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear
・Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams – Part 1
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