The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) – Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

■Start condition:

→Talk to priest of eternal fire and go to following choice.

↓Location of priest of eternal fire.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

Fine. I’ll do it.・・・quest start. Go to phase 1.
Not interested.・・・Deny receiving quest.
※Be careful, you’ll never receive this quest if you deny to receive it.

■Recommended level:



1.Find and burn the bodies lying in pits on the battle field.0/3

↓ A location of 3 bodies. Watch out for ghouls, rotfiend and wild dogs around the corpse.
【first point】
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

【second point】
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

【third point】
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

↓At the third point, defeat the ghoul and talk to Titus Gielas to start the event. Go to following choice.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

We still talking about a priest of the Eternal Fire?・・・go to phase 2.
Nonsense.・・・go to phase 2.
※Please note that in case you choose “We still talking about a priest of the Eternal Fire?”, you’ll get option to fight with priest and his guard.

2.Return to the priest of the Eternal Fire.

↓ Location of the priest. Talk and go to choice 1.
The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen

The Witcher 3 Strategy: Funeral Pyres (Secondary Quest) - Velen
Choice 1.
Took care of the graves.・・・go to Choice 2.
※In case you choose “Nonsense” at previous phase, quest complete at this point instead of going to choice 2. So no battling with the priest and his guards.
Why hadn’t anyone burned the corpses earlier?・・・just conversation.
So long.・・・suspend the quest.

Choice 2.
Agreed.・・・quest complete.
I don’t take bribes.・・・Start battling with priests and mercenaries. Defeat them and quest complete.

→In case battling with priest, the priest and his guards are weak. If uneasy, use QUEN spell and dodge for their attack.

↓reference video.

■Next quest:

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